Fred Armisen

Fred Armisen

Fred Armisen introduced his show as “comedy for musicians” - and indeed, it featured lots of funny talk about music. An evening with Fred Armisen is a bit more like hanging out with a slightly off-kilter, ironic cousin than it is like traditional standup comedy. He did impressions of punk rock in every country across the world. He put trotted out a bass guitar and chomped on the headstock, which turned out to be a brownie. He played a great sounding Rickenbacker bass for a bit. Sitting at the drums, he did impressions of every punk rock band stretching across two decades. He’s smart and funny, and got us home in time for bed on a school night. ...

February 1, 2023 · 1 min · Jeremy Roschelle
The Big Phat Band

Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band

Micah and I visited Jack London Square to hear one of the most amazing big bands on the planet, Gordon Goodwin’s “Big Phat Band.” And we were joined by an enthusiastic crowd with a line stretching out the door. Big band nerds of planet, unite! The music was energetic, dazzling in complexity, and unfailingly tight. We especially liked the theme song from “The Incredibles”, which this band wrote and performed. Also a tribute to Looney Toons called “Hunting Wabbits.” ...

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · Jeremy Roschelle
'Free Falling' with Petty Theft

Petty Theft

Walking into the newly remolded Guild in Menlo Park, we thought “we must know people here.” The crowd, how to put it? The crowd wore its age as well as we do. Petty Theft had a great reputation as a Tom Petty cover band, and they delivered. We had a lot of fun dancing to the endless string of greatest hits. It’s great to have a venue so near our house with music we enjoy. And yes, we did know people there – Audrey’s ex-husband Raphael and his wife Stephanie! ...

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · Jeremy Roschelle
Bassist Stanley Clarke and his band

Stanley Clarke's Tribute to Chick Corea

What a treat to see one of the world’s greatest bass players, Stanley Clarke, from the third row. Stanley famously founded Return to Forever with Chick Corea in the early 1970s and was Return to Forever was one of my introductions to Jazz in my youth. On this occasion, he was performing a tribute to Chick Corea with a band of amazing 20-something musicians. The set opened with the technically difficult Medieval Overture from 1976’s Romantic Warrior. They also played classics including 500 Miles High, No Mystery and Spain as well as Joe Henderson’s Black Narcissus. Sitting so close, I could appreciate just how long Stanley’s fingers are! ...

January 14, 2023 · 1 min · Jeremy Roschelle
Cherry Blossoms, Georgetown

2022 in 12 photos

In twelve photos, I reflect on 2022. It was a year of branching out and our plans blossomed, so I choose the Cherry Blossoms in Georgetown as the cover theme. 1. Washington DC: we’re here! Audrey looks to the future. In 2022, we officially added a second location in Washington DC to our life. Come visit us in Columbia Heights! (We’re there about half the year.) ...

December 28, 2022 · 4 min · Jeremy Roschelle