Logo behind the stage

Beat in Madison

“Indiscipline” brought the crowd to its feet at the close of the second set of Beat–a revival of 1980s King Crimson. The virtuoso band included Tony Levin, Andrian Belew, Steve Vai and Danny Carry. The lyrics for Indiscipline like this: I do remember one thing It took hours and hours By the time I was done with it I was so involved, I didn’t know what to think I carried it around with me for days and days Playing little games Like not looking at it for a whole day And then, looking at it to see if I still liked it I did! ...

November 3, 2024 · 3 min · Jeremy Roschelle
a view from outside the meeting house

Wright's Unitarian Universalist Meeting House

I hopped on an electric bike for a 20 minute ride to the historical Frank Lloyd Wright Unitarian Universalist meeting house in Madison. The guided tour was wonderful and the best story was about how it was built. Frank LLoyd Wright was a member of the church so they could afford the architect but not his plans. The church members had to carry the stones from the quarry to the church by themselves, working every weekend for six months. At the time the church membership was 35 families. ...

October 27, 2024 · 1 min · Jeremy Roschelle
East Bluff across Devil's Lake

Devil's Lake

On a beautiful fall Saturday, my colleague David from the University joined me for one of Wisconsin’s classic hikes: Devil’s Lake. This state park is about an hour’s drive from Madison. David drove us in his new plug-in Prius and it was a crisp, sunny October day. We did not climb up the hard way, as shown in the picture below. But it was a steep climb up nicely placed rock “stairs” held together with concrete. The bluffs rise about 500 feet from the level of the lake. ...

October 26, 2024 · 2 min · Jeremy Roschelle
The menu at Arthur Bryant's BBQ

A Night in Kansas City

While in Kansas City for a conference, I explored the 18th & Vine “jazz district” with two colleagues. We travelled seven minutes away from the conference hotel, yet this area was a world away from the downtown conference in authenticity. We had arrived in the real Kansas City. Once in the right district, we decided to walk two blocks to a local joint, Arthur Bryant’s Barbeque. Quoting from their site: “Arthur Bryant, the legendary King of Ribs, is the most renowned ‘barbequer’ in history. He created a unique sauce and style that has attracted the likes of former Presidents Harry Truman, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama to his restaurant.” ...

October 21, 2024 · 2 min · Jeremy Roschelle
The Fareed Haque Group playing a tune with strong Indian influence

Fareed Haque, Stoughton Opera House

I ventured 20 miles south from Madison to the sturdy town of Stoughton to catch virtuoso guitar player Fareed Haque. I learned of the show because Madison has a community radio station, WORT, and earlier in the week they interviewed Fareed. On the strength of what I heard on the radio, I decided to check it out. The 1901 Stoughton Opera House is a historical gem. It’s set at one end of main street, and Stoughton has a classic midwest mainstreet look. I wandered in to the building and earnest greeters in white shirts and black pants let me know that the opera house was upstairs. Up a steep staircase I went, soon arriving in a restored auditorium with a balcony, boxes, and golden oak seating. ...

October 19, 2024 · 3 min · Jeremy Roschelle