Testing CSS

This is my test page. This is bold My new paragraph. My new paragraph. My new paragraph. My new paragraph. My new paragraph. My new paragraph. My new paragraph. My new paragraph. My new paragraph. My new paragraph. Flex 3 here is some markdown text here is some markdown text Flex 2x2 Flex full width

May 1, 2022 · 1 min · Jeremy Roschelle
Picture of a patent document


It seems cool that my name is on a few patents. As far as I know, these patents have never been used for anything. The history was that my former employer, SRI International, pursued and was awarded these patents based on research conducted in our Center for Technology in Learning on the topic of computer-supported collaborative learning, especially with mobile devices. As is typical, the patents are assigned to SRI; I don’t “own” any rights in them....

April 16, 2022 · 2 min · Jeremy Roschelle
Logo for Communications of the ACM


CACM is the magazine of the computer society “Association of Computing Machinery.” I occassionally write columns for the magazine. Here are all my blogs: A Pioneer in Using AI to Teach Reading July 2024 by Jeremy Roschelle Ethics and Equity in AI for Collaborative Learning September 2023 by Michael Alan Chang, Jeremy Roschelle, and iSAT Research Group Stop Judging AI Using Human Exams July 2023 by Jeremy Roschelle AI in the Public Interest: Education and Democracy March 2023 by Jeremy Roschelle ChatGPT for Provost February 2023 by Jeremy Roschelle The ChatAlgebra Educational Revolution January 2023 by Jeremy Roschelle Reflections on the AI Bill of Rights Blueprint October 2022 by Jeremy Roschelle Four Conversations About Human-Centric AI September 2022 by Jeremy Roschelle R&D or r&d: What's the Difference?...

April 16, 2022 · 2 min · Jeremy Roschelle


This is my data test page journal Roschelle, J., Noss, R., Blikstein, P., & Jackiw, N. (2017). Technology for learning mathematics. In J. Cai (Ed.), Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 273-296. [DOI] Description: Handbook chapter providing a broad overview of what we know about technology for learning mathematics Roschelle, J., Feng, M., Murphy, R. & Mason, C.A. (2016). Online mathematics homework increases student achievement....

April 15, 2022 · 5 min · Jeremy Roschelle

About me

I’m a Learning Scientist – I study how to improve teaching and learning with technology. I work for Digital Promise, a nonprofit, where I am Executive Director of our Learning Sciences Research team. I am Fellow of the International Society of the Learning Sciences. Most of my work has been about how to use technology to improve learning of mathematics and other STEM subjects. My favorite hobbies are photography, jazz, backpacking and hiking....

April 8, 2022 · 1 min · Jeremy Roschelle