I’m a Learning Scientist – I study how to improve teaching and learning with technology. I work for Digital Promise, a nonprofit, where I am Executive Director of our Learning Sciences Research team. I am Fellow of the International Society of the Learning Sciences. Most of my work has been about how to use technology to improve learning of mathematics and other STEM subjects.

My favorite hobbies are photography, jazz, backpacking and hiking. You will find posts in the blog about these things.

I also enjoy a few nerdy pursuits. I like learning about legacy synthesizers using Arturia’s fabulous software re-creations of instruments like the Mini Moog, Arp 2600 and Prophet 5. I’ve installed OpenWrt to run all my routers and set up Wireguard to access my home network from anywhere. To create this blog, I learned Hugo and how to create a domain name and host my content via GitHub and Cloudflare Pages.

With my wife Audrey ❤️, I live sometimes in Silicon Valley and sometimes in Washington DC. We have three dogs 🐶 Ollie, 🐶 Sugar Baby and 🐶 Lola. And four 20-something children 👪 Micah, Sarah, Jacob and Lucy.

Thanks for visiting my blog!