Stanley Clarke was a highlight at the San Jose Jazz Festival, but there was much more great music to enjoy.

Marina Crouse Band

As we wandered into the grounds of the festival, Marina Crouse was singing a soulful and funky version of “Cisco Kid.” We arrived midway through her band’s set but enjoyed a few minutes on the grassy law at the Blues Stage.

LMR Jazz Orchestra Featuring Tierney Sutton

Next we headed indoors for a real treat – Tierney Sutton singing a set with a well-arranged and conducted Big Band. The band was made up of LA session regular, the kind of musicians who can read any chart perfectly.

Javon Jackson with Gary Bartz, Charles McPherson & Donald Harrison

Back to the main outdoor stage, we enjoyed a strong set with four saxophone players, each interpreting “Charlie Parker at 100”

Adrien Brandeis

After Stanley Clarke burned through an intense set, we retreated to a much smaller stage to hear a solo piano recital from a French emerging star, Adrien Brandies, who treated us to cuban-influenced rhythms and styles.


Location: San Jose, CA
Date: August 14, 2022
Attending: Bob Murphy, Jeremy