The Orrin Evans Quartet took the stage of the Madison Jazz Festival on a beautiful evening at 7 pm. Audrey and I packed a picnic dinner, including fresh sugar peas from the morning farmer’s market. The terrace was packed with people, most with plastic pitchers of beer, in most various states of disattention to the music. Which was unfortunate as Evans led a blazing, innovative set with super talented musicians.

As the program for the festival noted “Evans has become the model of a fiercely independent artist who has made a habit of rattling the jazz world’s confining cages.”

The set ended unusually with Orrin singing a Mister Rogers tune, with the audience participating:

I’ll be back, when the week is new
And I’ll bring more ideas for you
And you’ll have things you’ll want to do
And I will, too.

The sunset was spectacular. I captured some photos with my Fujifilm camera and a telephoto lens.


Location: Memorial Union Terrace, Madison, Wisconsin
Date: June 15, 2024
Attending: Jeremy & Audrey