Stories about jazz concerts I’ve attended.
Fareed Haque, Stoughton Opera House
I ventured 20 miles south from Madison to the sturdy town of Stoughton to catch virtuoso guitar player Fareed Haque. I learned of the show because Madison has a community radio station, WORT, and earlier in the week they interviewed Fareed. On the strength of what I heard on the radio, I decided to check it out. The 1901 Stoughton Opera House is a historical gem. It’s set at one end of main street, and Stoughton has a classic midwest mainstreet look. I wandered in to the building and earnest greeters in white shirts and black pants let me know that the opera house was upstairs. Up a steep staircase I went, soon arriving in a restored auditorium with a balcony, boxes, and golden oak seating. ...