Pluto Juice at Stanford Jazz Workshop
Jacob and I went on a Monday night adventure to the outer planets and back with the innovative jazz-rock fusion group Pluto Juice. Dayna Stephens led on his EWI (Electronic Wind Instrument), an instrument that you play like a saxophone but which makes sound only via a connected synthesizer. A few times he picked up his tenor saxophone, and proved to have awesome tone, technique and expressivity. Billy Mohler on electric bass held down a solid groove, heavy on octave doubling, compression and other effects. Anthony Fung on drums co-leads the band and played some great intros and solos to the tunes. Joining the group for the first time, Charles Altura offered spacey textures on guitar, but also played very agile, speedy solos. Sometimes the music sounded like instrumentals on David Bowie’s “Low”; sometimes more like classic jazz-rock fusion; other times like a spacey, lush trip. ...